In celebration of Digital Learning Day 2023, Damascus Middle School’s seventhgrade English teacher Lisa Blackburn utilized technology tools throughout the day with her students. Just as she does every day, she monitored her students on their Chromebooks with GoGuardian, chatting with them as needed to keep them on task as they worked in Google Docs to draft an essay. She used the Comment feature of Google Docs to respond to and edit students’ rough drafts as they revised. She also utilized an online timer to help students manage their time. Down the hall, Choral Music teacher Megan Mitten used technology tools to help her sixth-graders learn and review music notes and rhythms. Students played Gimkit, a digital quiz game, on their Chromebooks before playing Poison Rhythm, an activity on YouTube. In this game, students each tap rhythms with drumsticks on buckets, trying to avoid being tricked into playing the “poison rhythm.” In addition to content skills, students at Damascus Middle School are learning how to use technology tools to be active, engaged, productive, and proficient learners!

Digital Learning Day
April 24, 2023