Donations of new or gently used coats will be given to People, Inc. to be distributed to those in need. Please put donations in the box in the main hall.
Support the DMS Basketball Teams!
A special thanks to everyone who supported the Damascus Middle School Blood Drive! It was a great success, with 28 donations in 5 hours! Mrs. Childress's homeroom won the pizza party for the most donors.
Washington County Public Schools' Mobile STEM Lab #TechTrek received its "wrap" today! Shout out to @colormecaitlin for the amazing design and @advancedgraphicinstallation for the installation. Look for us, coming soon to a school near you!
Our blood drive is tomorrow! For an appointment, please contact the school. Walk-ins are welcome!
Buses in the Konnarock, Green Cove, and Taylor's Valley area will run on a 2 hour delay today, Thursday, January 4th.
Support the DMS Cavs Basketball Teams!
Support the DMS Cavs Basketball Teams!
Excited to start 2024 with a renewed energy for learning and teaching! #WashingtonWay #WCPSBest @WashCoSuper
Congratulations to Mrs. Melissa Sinclair, who is Damascus Middle School's Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Sinclair demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning, as she is constantly discovering and implementing new things in her math classroom!
School will dismiss after the dance!
Support the DMS Cavs Basketball Teams!
Support the DMS Cavs Basketball Teams!
Parents, there is a superhero in all of us, sometimes we just need help. Let us help you be a protector of your children. Parent Coaching is a free resource that connects you with a parenting coach and content created by therapists. Click here to register for support from a coach:
Support the DMS Cavs Basketball Teams!
Bus service to the Konnarock, Green Cove, and Taylor's Valley area of Washington County Schools will run on a two hour delay on Monday, December 11, 2023.
We're excited to announce we only have 3 spots left to fill for our blood drive - 1:30, 2:15, & 2:30! Contact DMS if you'd like to make an appointment.
Wednesday, December 6: Washington County VA Schools will operate on a regular schedule EXCEPT the Konnarock/Greencove/Taylor's Valley Community. This area will be on a TWO HOUR DELAY.
Support the DMS Basketball Teams!
Washington County ITRTs, Thomas Larimer and Andrew Smith, represented the division in the #VSTE23 DEMO Jam and won 1st Place presenting about TECH TREK, the Mobile STEM Lab. Great job! #WCPSBest #WashingtonWay @WashcoVAschools @WashCoSuper